Featured Projects

NOAA West Coast Swordfish Fisheries Meeting
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR facilitated the NOAA Fisheries West Coast Swordfish Fisheries Meeting held May 11-12, 2015 in La Jolla, CA.

USC Sea Grant Program Building Stable Agreements
DC National Policy, West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiBuilding Stable Agreements in Marine Policy: Critical Review of the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative South Coast Process

Pacific Offshore Take Reduction Team
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR is now facilitating the Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Team

California Coastal Commission-Poseidon Water
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION-POSEIDON WATER: JOINT FACT-FINDING PROCESS CONCUR was jointly selected by Poseidon and the Commission as the entity to design and facilitate an independent feasibility...

Environmental Law Course
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiScott McCreary presented to a Negotiations (Spring 2014) "Environmental Law" course at UC’s Berkeley’s Boalt Hall Law on March 10, 2014. The course, taught by Louise Warren, includes second year l...

Designing a Priority Setting Process
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR worked with staff of the Central and Northern California Ocean Observer System to design and facilitate a strategic planning dialogue to establish a priority-setting process for ocean observati...

U.S. West Coast Swordfish Workshop – 2011
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiOn May 10th - 11th of 2011, CONCUR facilitated the United States West Coast Swordfish Workshop: Working towards Sustainability.

NMFS Coastal Pelagic Species Workshop II
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR was retained by the Southwest Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to convene the Coastal Pelagic Species Workshop II: Considerations for Rights-Based Management i...

NOAA Fisheries: Eat Local, Think Global
DC National Policy, International, West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR teamed with NMFS to convene a two-day symposium in Oakland, CA to look at the impacts of imported seafood on U.S. fisheries, food security, employment, incomes, and vibrant coastal communities...

Fort Ord Restoration Advisory Board
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR conducted a year-long strategic planning diagnostic and convening process for the Ford Ord (Monterey, CA) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), a citizen-agency group convened to review proposed en...

Gulf of the Farallones Ocean Climate Summit
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR facilitated the second biennial Ocean Climate Summit: "Moving from Knowledge to Action" at the California Academy of Sciences

Humboldt Watersheds Project
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR worked directly with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board to design and facilitate a joint fact-finding effort focused on the protection and restoration of sediment-impaired b...

Columbia River Gorge
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiIn 2010, CONCUR Principal Scott McCreary convened a phased dialogue focusing on improving land use decision-making for the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

Marin County LAFCO
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR facilitated a series of annual strategic planning retreats for the Marin County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to help update their three-year Strategic Plan.

Guadalupe River Flood Control Project
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR facilitated the Guadalupe River Flood Control Project Collaborative, which produced a landmark agreement to resolve remaining mitigation issues for the lower Guadalupe River in downtown San Jos...

CALFED Independent Panel
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR designed and facilitated an independent review panel that produced a consensus recommendation on a suite of actions intended to improve the way agricultural water use is measured in California.

California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR facilitated the Central, North Central and South Coast Regional Stakeholder Groups for the deliberations and implementation of the California Marine Life Protection Act.

California Urban Water Conservation Council
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR assisted the California Urban Water Conservation Council in several strategic planning initiatives.

Pacific Islands Regional Office Strategic Planning
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR worked closely with the Pacific Islands Regional Office, the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the Pacific Islands Division of the NO...

WPRFMC Coastal Marine Spatial Planning
DC National Policy, West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR conducted a one-day workshop in Honolulu, Hawaii, focused on effective community participation in Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) efforts.

NMFS Take Reduction Teams
DC National Policy, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Southeast & Gulf Coast, West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR is an active practitioner of truly agreement-focused facilitation, notably in its work throughout the United States to support several Take Reduction Teams.

Port of Oakland Maritime Air Quality Improvement
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR worked with the Port of Oakland (Port) to design and facilitate the original Maritime Air Quality Improvement Plan (MAQIP) process, which set the goal to cut emissions by 85% from 2005 to 2020....

UCSB Institute for Energy Efficiency
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR teamed with UC Santa Barbara’s Institute for Energy Efficiency to co-facilitate a Technology Roundtable to more fully explore the future of concentrator photovoltaics. CONCUR Principal Sc...

Alaskan Way Viaduct
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiEleven years after a collaborative planning effort was launched with help from CONCUR, the tunnel project is near completion.

NOAA Fisheries False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team
West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR has facilitated deliberations of the False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team since 2010.