Featured Projects

GSAFF Turtle Excluder Devices in Shrimp Fishery
fisheries, marine, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with the Gulf & South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation (GSAFF) to gather industry, federal, and state official perspectives on turtle exclusion device (TED) compliance and enforcement i...

Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative
conservation, marine, strategic planning, tourismCONCUR teamed with staff of the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) to facilitate a two-day strategic planning session for the Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative (MARTI) in May 2014 in Playa del Carmen, Q...

NMFS Non-Lethal Deterrents Workshop
fisheries, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, workshop facilitationCONCUR planned and facilitated a workshop to identify safe methods for deterring marine mammals from damaging fishing gear and catch, personal or public property, or endangering personal safety. CO...

Pacific Offshore Take Reduction Team
conservation, fisheries, joint fact-finding, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, strategic planningCONCUR is now facilitating the Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Team

NOAA Fisheries: Eat Local, Think Global
fisheries, marine, NOAA/NMFS, Oakland, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with NMFS to convene a two-day symposium in Oakland, CA to look at the impacts of imported seafood on U.S. fisheries, food security, employment, incomes, and vibrant coastal communities...

California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative
fisheries, marine, NOAA/NMFS, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated the Central, North Central and South Coast Regional Stakeholder Groups for the deliberations and implementation of the California Marine Life Protection Act.

Pacific Islands Regional Office Strategic Planning
fisheries, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, strategic planningCONCUR worked closely with the Pacific Islands Regional Office, the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the Pacific Islands Division of the NO...

NMFS Take Reduction Teams
fisheries, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, TRTsCONCUR is an active practitioner of truly agreement-focused facilitation, notably in its work throughout the United States to support several Take Reduction Teams.